About Us

APA Network Cabling Inc.

 APA  Network Cabling’s history dates back to 2000. At the time End to End  Networks began providing structured cabling solutions. APA’s founders,  Alex and Peter Acimovic were employed by End to End Networks and  eventually acquired the cabling division in 2009 and End to End Cabling  Inc. was founded.

 In 2014 the company name was changed to APA Network Cabling in order to pursue other business partnerships and opportunities.

 Since  inception in 2000 APA Network Cabling has been pro­vid­ing struc­tured  cabling solu­tions. We mea­sure our suc­cess in the qual­ity of our  peo­ple, the qual­ity of our instal­la­tions and most impor­tantly, the  rela­tion­ships we have with our clients. The foun­da­tion of our  busi­ness is ser­vic­ing our clients and pro­vid­ing solu­tions that  will allow them to grow with­out re-cabling. We work with our clients to  pro­vide stan­dards based solu­tions that are cost effec­tive and meet  our client requirements. We believe in long term, trusted relationships  that allow us to grow with our clients as their businesses and  requirements change and evolve.

 We are one of many net­work  cabling instal­la­tion con­trac­tors. What sep­a­rates us from these  installers is the qual­ity of our tech­ni­cians, atten­tion to detail,  and the qual­ity of the instal­la­tion. All struc­tured cabling  man­u­fac­tur­ers’ prod­ucts meet indus­try stan­dards. What you can­not  see – the way cables are run in ceil­ings, the cable path­ways used,  the way cables are ter­mi­nated, labeled, and tested deter­mines whether  the struc­tured cabling sys­tem will meet the require­ments of  exist­ing and future applications. 

Contact Us

APA Network Cabling Inc.

(905) 497-5466